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Who We Are

Senka Wohnbau was founded in 2015 and evolved from a family business that can look back on over 25 years of experience in property development and construction. Today, we are firmly established on the market as a project developer and property developer in the second generation. Thanks to our many years of experience in the property sector, we operate independently as a company. In this way, we guarantee and realise living spaces of the highest standard from a single source.

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Our Mission

With our many years of experience in the property sector, we offer our clients the opportunity to acquire exactly the property that meets their expectations. To this end, we focus on the needs of our customers and develop solutions based on their individual requirements. In this way, each of our properties becomes absolutely unique for its owner.

Current Projects

Discover our latest construction projects, which are characterised by modern design and first-class construction quality.  Get an overview of our current developments and be inspired by our latest projects.

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Through numerous discussions with our customers, we have identified the most frequently asked questions. These are presented clearly and concisely for you. You can find all the important information here.

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Construction Partner

If you are interested in working with us as a business partner or supplier, we invite you to get in touch with us using the contact form.

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Acquisition and Sales

Acquisition and Sales

In order to expand our portfolio and fulfill our customers' wishes, we are constantly on the lookout for first-class building plots and properties of all kinds. If you would like to sell a residential or commercial property, a detached house or apartment block, a condominium or a commercial property, we are your reliable partner for a quick and uncomplicated transaction.

In order to expand our portfolio and fulfill our customers' wishes, we are constantly on the lookout for first-class building plots and properties of all kinds. If you would like to sell a residential or commercial property, a detached house or apartment block, a condominium or a commercial property, we are your reliable partner for a quick and uncomplicated transaction.


/ Projects

Our Current Projects

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